Usage statistics for

Summary Period: April 2019
Generated 01-May-2019 01:07 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2019
Total Hits 273451
Total Files 258188
Total Pages 175914
Total Visits 34450
Total KBytes 5793253
Total Unique Sites 5479
Total Unique URLs 14617
Total Unique Referrers 1727
Total Unique User Agents 1610
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 379 4471
Hits per Day 9115 21292
Files per Day 8606 20949
Pages per Day 5863 18143
Sites per Day 182 835
Visits per Day 1148 1724
KBytes per Day 193108 259716
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 94.42% 258188
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.18% 483
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1.64% 4483
Code 302 - Found 0.04% 118
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.42% 1136
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.07% 191
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.33% 912
Code 404 - Not Found 2.69% 7349
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.02% 49
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 0.00% 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.20% 541

Daily usage for April 2019

Daily Statistics for April 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 9005 3.29% 8668 3.36% 4755 2.70% 1104 3.20% 626 11.43% 232264 4.01%
2 7793 2.85% 6901 2.67% 4378 2.49% 1566 4.55% 730 13.32% 188876 3.26%
3 6119 2.24% 5704 2.21% 3030 1.72% 1550 4.50% 760 13.87% 144891 2.50%
4 7619 2.79% 7159 2.77% 3479 1.98% 1549 4.50% 777 14.18% 250212 4.32%
5 5816 2.13% 5407 2.09% 2924 1.66% 1577 4.58% 729 13.31% 160983 2.78%
6 7436 2.72% 7023 2.72% 4462 2.54% 1190 3.45% 566 10.33% 208966 3.61%
7 21292 7.79% 20949 8.11% 18143 10.31% 1382 4.01% 692 12.63% 177853 3.07%
8 11741 4.29% 10663 4.13% 6901 3.92% 1724 5.00% 835 15.24% 259716 4.48%
9 8684 3.18% 8336 3.23% 4931 2.80% 1401 4.07% 758 13.83% 229454 3.96%
10 7057 2.58% 6467 2.50% 3191 1.81% 1366 3.97% 708 12.92% 182495 3.15%
11 7427 2.72% 7086 2.74% 3628 2.06% 1346 3.91% 752 13.73% 188818 3.26%
12 8060 2.95% 7354 2.85% 5304 3.02% 894 2.60% 475 8.67% 215679 3.72%
13 12397 4.53% 11468 4.44% 9913 5.64% 1235 3.58% 641 11.70% 167054 2.88%
14 12343 4.51% 11804 4.57% 9025 5.13% 1212 3.52% 662 12.08% 248448 4.29%
15 8479 3.10% 8038 3.11% 4851 2.76% 1129 3.28% 636 11.61% 142285 2.46%
16 6470 2.37% 5984 2.32% 3630 2.06% 1143 3.32% 574 10.48% 170611 2.94%
17 7238 2.65% 6934 2.69% 4305 2.45% 922 2.68% 467 8.52% 213500 3.69%
18 5773 2.11% 5398 2.09% 1854 1.05% 733 2.13% 318 5.80% 149130 2.57%
19 13213 4.83% 12430 4.81% 10402 5.91% 716 2.08% 284 5.18% 211897 3.66%
20 8455 3.09% 8133 3.15% 6474 3.68% 655 1.90% 228 4.16% 241928 4.18%
21 4429 1.62% 3973 1.54% 2585 1.47% 984 2.86% 475 8.67% 163060 2.81%
22 7941 2.90% 7560 2.93% 4805 2.73% 1048 3.04% 537 9.80% 180959 3.12%
23 6596 2.41% 6236 2.42% 3111 1.77% 899 2.61% 492 8.98% 175010 3.02%
24 6813 2.49% 6138 2.38% 3022 1.72% 750 2.18% 306 5.58% 202470 3.49%
25 5535 2.02% 5096 1.97% 2770 1.57% 727 2.11% 273 4.98% 188048 3.25%
26 5308 1.94% 4883 1.89% 2424 1.38% 724 2.10% 270 4.93% 177134 3.06%
27 11902 4.35% 11395 4.41% 9730 5.53% 1188 3.45% 536 9.78% 178564 3.08%
28 6210 2.27% 5798 2.25% 3410 1.94% 1547 4.49% 698 12.74% 164504 2.84%
29 21252 7.77% 20818 8.06% 17342 9.86% 1266 3.67% 528 9.64% 210304 3.63%
30 15048 5.50% 14385 5.57% 11135 6.33% 1064 3.09% 465 8.49% 168141 2.90%

Hourly usage for April 2019

Hourly Statistics for April 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 287 8638 3.16% 276 8292 3.21% 194 5822 3.31% 6555 196637 3.39%
1 302 9073 3.32% 278 8340 3.23% 238 7168 4.07% 4864 145922 2.52%
2 283 8510 3.11% 275 8266 3.20% 232 6970 3.96% 3201 96036 1.66%
3 307 9211 3.37% 283 8505 3.29% 268 8046 4.57% 3959 118770 2.05%
4 288 8664 3.17% 274 8241 3.19% 256 7684 4.37% 2586 77575 1.34%
5 328 9851 3.60% 314 9439 3.66% 288 8663 4.92% 2896 86879 1.50%
6 262 7889 2.88% 255 7663 2.97% 225 6752 3.84% 3004 90121 1.56%
7 344 10322 3.77% 329 9897 3.83% 296 8889 5.05% 8089 242682 4.19%
8 398 11962 4.37% 381 11433 4.43% 314 9447 5.37% 7379 221379 3.82%
9 372 11169 4.08% 349 10478 4.06% 228 6854 3.90% 6927 207813 3.59%
10 381 11449 4.19% 359 10783 4.18% 177 5325 3.03% 9198 275925 4.76%
11 469 14075 5.15% 435 13053 5.06% 215 6479 3.68% 13789 413664 7.14%
12 367 11023 4.03% 330 9922 3.84% 186 5587 3.18% 10734 322017 5.56%
13 465 13973 5.11% 444 13343 5.17% 289 8670 4.93% 10572 317150 5.47%
14 378 11349 4.15% 355 10651 4.13% 161 4855 2.76% 9232 276956 4.78%
15 440 13212 4.83% 424 12741 4.93% 203 6100 3.47% 11459 343773 5.93%
16 531 15937 5.83% 499 14995 5.81% 299 8974 5.10% 7889 236674 4.09%
17 449 13498 4.94% 430 12926 5.01% 252 7569 4.30% 8703 261105 4.51%
18 355 10679 3.91% 330 9901 3.83% 134 4048 2.30% 10877 326314 5.63%
19 511 15334 5.61% 472 14182 5.49% 351 10531 5.99% 10994 329818 5.69%
20 481 14430 5.28% 461 13832 5.36% 353 10606 6.03% 10466 313992 5.42%
21 379 11373 4.16% 359 10785 4.18% 236 7083 4.03% 9645 289336 4.99%
22 325 9770 3.57% 305 9163 3.55% 170 5123 2.91% 10286 308585 5.33%
23 402 12060 4.41% 378 11357 4.40% 288 8669 4.93% 9804 294129 5.08%

Top 30 of 14617 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 65080 23.80% 22149 0.38% /xmlrpc.php
2 25551 9.34% 66835 1.15% /wp-login.php
3 7389 2.70% 495 0.01% /robots.txt
4 4598 1.68% 3537 0.06% /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
5 2253 0.82% 7 0.00% /favicon.ico
6 1934 0.71% 54179 0.94% /wp-includes/css/dashicons.min.css
7 1901 0.70% 7712 0.13% /wp-includes/css/admin-bar.min.css
8 1882 0.69% 12782 0.22% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/css/buddypress.min.css
9 1877 0.69% 1279 0.02% /wp-content/themes/fearless/js/jquery.fitvids.min.js
10 1874 0.69% 822 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/css/admin-bar.min.css
11 1872 0.68% 912 0.02% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/widget-members.min.js
12 1869 0.68% 14762 0.25% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/js/buddypress.min.js
13 1868 0.68% 231 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/confirm.min.js
14 1867 0.68% 235 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/jquery-query.min.js
15 1867 0.68% 18294 0.32% /wp-content/themes/fearless/style.css
16 1865 0.68% 7340 0.13% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js
17 1862 0.68% 1360 0.02% /wp-includes/js/wp-embed.min.js
18 1861 0.68% 8091 0.14% /wp-content/themes/fearless/js/jquery.ticker.js
19 1860 0.68% 1202 0.02% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/vendor/jquery-cookie.min.js
20 1858 0.68% 3165 0.05% /wp-content/themes/fearless/js/jquery.backstretch.min.js
21 1858 0.68% 866 0.01% /wp-content/themes/fearless/js/jquery.tinynav.min.js
22 1858 0.68% 4489 0.08% /wp-includes/js/admin-bar.min.js
23 1851 0.68% 3560 0.06% /wp-content/themes/fearless-child/style.css
24 1851 0.68% 3195 0.06% /wp-content/themes/fearless/css/fearless-responsive.css
25 1851 0.68% 3157 0.05% /wp-content/themes/fearless/js/jquery.superfish.min.js
26 1850 0.68% 10081 0.17% /wp-content/themes/fearless/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js
27 1848 0.68% 4017 0.07% /wp-content/themes/fearless/css/normalize.css
28 1847 0.68% 2011 0.03% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/vendor/jquery-scroll-to.min.js
29 1847 0.68% 3269 0.06% /wp-content/themes/fearless/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css
30 1846 0.68% 9480 0.16% /wp-content/themes/fearless/js/jquery.flexslider.min.js

Top 10 of 14617 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 364 0.13% 2057721 35.52% /wp-content/uploads/2014/01/memoire-m2-les-artistes-interpretes-jouant-un-role-dans-un-film-publicitaire-par-v.-stahl1.pdf
2 270 0.10% 268339 4.63% /wp-content/uploads/2006/07/la-telephonie-mobile-technologies-acteurs-et-usages-par-m.-b.-savoure.pdf
3 268 0.10% 237177 4.09% /wp-content/uploads/2016/12/lartiste-interprete-un-auteur-protegeable-par-mme-pauline-bedon.pdf
4 25 0.01% 170313 2.94% /wp-content/uploads/2017/03/tr-2013-neutralites.pdf
5 16 0.01% 70384 1.21% /wp-content/uploads/2005/07/la-legitimite-du-secteur-public-audiovisuel-francais-par-j.-mant.pdf
6 25551 9.34% 66835 1.15% /wp-login.php
7 1843 0.67% 61236 1.06% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js
8 31 0.01% 56007 0.97% /wp-content/uploads/2019/02/programme-plateformes-numacopyrique1.pdf
9 1934 0.71% 54179 0.94% /wp-includes/css/dashicons.min.css
10 136 0.05% 36014 0.62% /wp-content/uploads/2019/02/parcours-droit-des-macopydias-acopylectroniques-copie_optimized.pdf

Top 10 of 12108 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 25551 9.34% 4487 13.33% /wp-login.php
2 1819 0.67% 1295 3.85% /
3 4598 1.68% 667 1.98% /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
4 650 0.24% 560 1.66% /feed/
5 366 0.13% 365 1.08% /tag/mineurs/feed/
6 65080 23.80% 148 0.44% /xmlrpc.php
7 168 0.06% 122 0.36% /2019/01/23/rgpd-les-premieres-sanctions/
8 445 0.16% 111 0.33% /2018/10/11/famille-en-art-famille-de-lartiste-en-droit-regards-croises/
9 213 0.08% 65 0.19% /wp-content/uploads/2006/07/
10 76 0.03% 53 0.16% /2019/02/07/lutte-contre-la-cyber-haine-la-pression-sur-les-plateformes-sintensifie/

Top 10 of 12071 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 25551 9.34% 4003 11.84% /wp-login.php
2 4598 1.68% 2153 6.37% /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
3 1819 0.67% 1034 3.06% /
4 650 0.24% 598 1.77% /feed/
5 65080 23.80% 558 1.65% /xmlrpc.php
6 366 0.13% 364 1.08% /tag/mineurs/feed/
7 445 0.16% 113 0.33% /2018/10/11/famille-en-art-famille-de-lartiste-en-droit-regards-croises/
8 213 0.08% 65 0.19% /wp-content/uploads/2006/07/
9 168 0.06% 34 0.10% /2019/01/23/rgpd-les-premieres-sanctions/
10 58 0.02% 33 0.10% /2019/02/14/zimbabwe-la-repression-politique-par-couvre-feu-numerique/

Top 30 of 5479 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 9229 3.38% 9228 3.57% 5691 0.10% 1 0.00%
2 8942 3.27% 8702 3.37% 81501 1.41% 1 0.00%
3 6622 2.42% 6606 2.56% 1527 0.03% 1 0.00%
4 6612 2.42% 6596 2.55% 1525 0.03% 1 0.00%
5 6582 2.41% 6566 2.54% 1518 0.03% 1 0.00%
6 6500 2.38% 6484 2.51% 1501 0.03% 1 0.00%
7 5090 1.86% 5074 1.97% 1202 0.02% 1 0.00%
8 4561 1.67% 4557 1.76% 23799 0.41% 98 0.28%
9 3956 1.45% 3867 1.50% 37192 0.64% 342 0.99%
10 3947 1.44% 3832 1.48% 41946 0.72% 340 0.99%
11 3478 1.27% 3466 1.34% 113195 1.95% 715 2.08%
12 3266 1.19% 3266 1.26% 12340 0.21% 2 0.01%
13 3263 1.19% 3251 1.26% 2164 0.04% 13 0.04%
14 2967 1.09% 2961 1.15% 1190 0.02% 3 0.01%
15 2653 0.97% 2653 1.03% 10027 0.17% 1 0.00%
16 2473 0.90% 2471 0.96% 1040 0.02% 2 0.01%
17 2201 0.80% 2181 0.84% 8311 0.14% 6 0.02%
18 2148 0.79% 2142 0.83% 8295 0.14% 1 0.00%
19 2002 0.73% 858 0.33% 26247 0.45% 0 0.00%
20 1987 0.73% 1874 0.73% 30236 0.52% 16 0.05%
21 1921 0.70% 1915 0.74% 7438 0.13% 1 0.00%
22 1799 0.66% 1469 0.57% 40032 0.69% 287 0.83%
23 1356 0.50% 1101 0.43% 36431 0.63% 307 0.89%
24 1347 0.49% 1320 0.51% 24619 0.42% 15 0.04%
25 1289 0.47% 1277 0.49% 558 0.01% 6 0.02%
26 1120 0.41% 1119 0.43% 1101 0.02% 1 0.00%
27 1024 0.37% 774 0.30% 41836 0.72% 284 0.82%
28 989 0.36% 987 0.38% 397 0.01% 1 0.00%
29 989 0.36% 987 0.38% 397 0.01% 1 0.00%
30 989 0.36% 987 0.38% 397 0.01% 1 0.00%

Top 10 of 5479 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 364 0.13% 156 0.06% 410663 7.09% 0 0.00%
2 341 0.12% 93 0.04% 245604 4.24% 0 0.00%
3 3478 1.27% 3466 1.34% 113195 1.95% 715 2.08%
4 777 0.28% 259 0.10% 104943 1.81% 0 0.00%
5 8942 3.27% 8702 3.37% 81501 1.41% 1 0.00%
6 556 0.20% 556 0.22% 59386 1.03% 27 0.08%
7 575 0.21% 575 0.22% 42643 0.74% 23 0.07%
8 3947 1.44% 3832 1.48% 41946 0.72% 340 0.99%
9 1024 0.37% 774 0.30% 41836 0.72% 284 0.82%
10 488 0.18% 487 0.19% 40426 0.70% 15 0.04%

Top 30 of 1727 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 172596 63.12% - (Direct Request)
2 1537 0.56%
3 445 0.16%
4 69 0.03%
5 60 0.02%
6 30 0.01%
7 28 0.01%
8 25 0.01%
9 21 0.01%
10 21 0.01%
11 18 0.01%
12 18 0.01%
13 18 0.01%
14 18 0.01%
15 18 0.01%
16 16 0.01%
17 15 0.01%
18 15 0.01%
19 15 0.01%
20 15 0.01%
21 15 0.01%
22 15 0.01%
23 15 0.01%
24 13 0.00%
25 12 0.00%
26 12 0.00%
27 12 0.00%
28 12 0.00%
29 12 0.00%
30 12 0.00%

Top 6 of 6 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 16.67% film sex gratuiet
2 1 16.67% iredic
3 1 16.67% jean-louis bergel
4 1 16.67% revenge porn catho
5 1 16.67% sophie assous
6 1 16.67% vincent égéa

Top 15 of 1610 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 24784 9.06% Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_151)
2 23773 8.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36
3 15180 5.55% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/3~bl; +
4 14840 5.43% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
5 13381 4.89% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/6.1; +
6 11743 4.29% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
7 9261 3.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36
8 8942 3.27% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;; +
9 8210 3.00% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; adscanner/)
10 6622 2.42% Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_161)
11 5958 2.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1
12 5937 2.17% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0
13 5419 1.98% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0
14 5370 1.96% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
15 4657 1.70% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for April 2019

Top 30 of 76 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 98972 36.19% 94655 36.66% 1567935 27.06% Unresolved/Unknown
2 71099 26.00% 67747 26.24% 1464939 25.29% Commercial (com)
3 32321 11.82% 28227 10.93% 1881588 32.48% France
4 30780 11.26% 30266 11.72% 489764 8.45% Network (net)
5 26285 9.61% 24887 9.64% 270554 4.67% Germany
6 7470 2.73% 7142 2.77% 28468 0.49% European Union
7 841 0.31% 838 0.32% 14240 0.25% Belgium
8 628 0.23% 310 0.12% 5277 0.09% Ukraine
9 591 0.22% 566 0.22% 11680 0.20% Canada
10 494 0.18% 492 0.19% 242 0.00% Georgia
11 456 0.17% 454 0.18% 228 0.00% Serbia
12 429 0.16% 429 0.17% 12835 0.22% Switzerland
13 318 0.12% 182 0.07% 2706 0.05% Poland
14 258 0.09% 174 0.07% 1149 0.02% Russian Federation
15 222 0.08% 222 0.09% 11204 0.19% Australia
16 191 0.07% 189 0.07% 382 0.01% Turkey
17 170 0.06% 89 0.03% 607 0.01% British Indian Ocean Territory
18 158 0.06% 132 0.05% 854 0.01% Japan
19 123 0.04% 118 0.05% 979 0.02% French Polynesia
20 113 0.04% 112 0.04% 820 0.01% Portugal
21 104 0.04% 104 0.04% 1744 0.03% Czech Republic
22 101 0.04% 101 0.04% 596 0.01% Netherlands
23 95 0.03% 95 0.04% 1257 0.02% Armenia
24 89 0.03% 88 0.03% 645 0.01% Spain
25 83 0.03% 83 0.03% 592 0.01% Croatia
26 81 0.03% 81 0.03% 467 0.01% New Zealand
27 76 0.03% 70 0.03% 508 0.01% Non-Profit (org)
28 76 0.03% 51 0.02% 5812 0.10% Italy
29 75 0.03% 72 0.03% 543 0.01% Brazil
30 52 0.02% 52 0.02% 420 0.01% Bulgaria

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23