Usage statistics for

Summary Period: August 2019
Generated 01-Sep-2019 00:21 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2019
Total Hits 352051
Total Files 338464
Total Pages 284054
Total Visits 47002
Total KBytes 5531514
Total Unique Sites 4883
Total Unique URLs 15516
Total Unique Referrers 4134
Total Unique User Agents 1050
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 473 5158
Hits per Day 11356 54915
Files per Day 10918 54580
Pages per Day 9163 53498
Sites per Day 157 931
Visits per Day 1516 2008
KBytes per Day 178436 343724
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 96.14% 338464
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.22% 790
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1.45% 5119
Code 302 - Found 0.04% 156
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.29% 1031
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.05% 175
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.03% 115
Code 404 - Not Found 1.74% 6120
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.01% 25
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.02% 56

Daily usage for August 2019

Daily Statistics for August 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 14178 4.03% 13744 4.06% 11364 4.00% 1413 3.01% 637 13.05% 134651 2.43%
2 5951 1.69% 5605 1.66% 3822 1.35% 1656 3.52% 709 14.52% 158368 2.86%
3 5401 1.53% 4821 1.42% 3700 1.30% 1661 3.53% 648 13.27% 234419 4.24%
4 20500 5.82% 19921 5.89% 18995 6.69% 1737 3.70% 664 13.60% 242142 4.38%
5 11713 3.33% 11214 3.31% 9486 3.34% 1724 3.67% 675 13.82% 243885 4.41%
6 14574 4.14% 13962 4.13% 11348 4.00% 1751 3.73% 748 15.32% 264552 4.78%
7 7562 2.15% 7099 2.10% 5166 1.82% 1571 3.34% 657 13.45% 231854 4.19%
8 8981 2.55% 8378 2.48% 6432 2.26% 1566 3.33% 671 13.74% 251630 4.55%
9 7264 2.06% 6912 2.04% 5352 1.88% 1209 2.57% 525 10.75% 175880 3.18%
10 6248 1.77% 5920 1.75% 4575 1.61% 1285 2.73% 556 11.39% 143044 2.59%
11 6290 1.79% 6059 1.79% 4573 1.61% 1249 2.66% 520 10.65% 98529 1.78%
12 7855 2.23% 7500 2.22% 5960 2.10% 891 1.90% 335 6.86% 127535 2.31%
13 8559 2.43% 8123 2.40% 6097 2.15% 851 1.81% 310 6.35% 121199 2.19%
14 8099 2.30% 7798 2.30% 6377 2.24% 845 1.80% 269 5.51% 135608 2.45%
15 5396 1.53% 5119 1.51% 4105 1.45% 813 1.73% 238 4.87% 113569 2.05%
16 11379 3.23% 11083 3.27% 9959 3.51% 789 1.68% 257 5.26% 100489 1.82%
17 54915 15.60% 54580 16.13% 53498 18.83% 1670 3.55% 648 13.27% 343724 6.21%
18 5670 1.61% 5354 1.58% 4576 1.61% 1958 4.17% 670 13.72% 132238 2.39%
19 13975 3.97% 13535 4.00% 11571 4.07% 1958 4.17% 769 15.75% 132873 2.40%
20 18772 5.33% 17401 5.14% 16901 5.95% 1919 4.08% 718 14.70% 221368 4.00%
21 11020 3.13% 10348 3.06% 8540 3.01% 1883 4.01% 694 14.21% 174013 3.15%
22 7248 2.06% 6839 2.02% 4890 1.72% 1675 3.56% 696 14.25% 214864 3.88%
23 7504 2.13% 7141 2.11% 5269 1.85% 1809 3.85% 713 14.60% 264093 4.77%
24 12756 3.62% 12418 3.67% 11104 3.91% 1800 3.83% 677 13.86% 86995 1.57%
25 5417 1.54% 5246 1.55% 4085 1.44% 1586 3.37% 653 13.37% 94825 1.71%
26 7641 2.17% 7323 2.16% 4911 1.73% 1548 3.29% 663 13.58% 208865 3.78%
27 7697 2.19% 7186 2.12% 4388 1.54% 1561 3.32% 660 13.52% 184999 3.34%
28 11860 3.37% 11525 3.41% 8709 3.07% 1569 3.34% 654 13.39% 137763 2.49%
29 12195 3.46% 11794 3.48% 9490 3.34% 1765 3.76% 712 14.58% 160878 2.91%
30 11141 3.16% 10692 3.16% 7234 2.55% 2008 4.27% 931 19.07% 168424 3.04%
31 14290 4.06% 13824 4.08% 11577 4.08% 1718 3.66% 657 13.45% 228238 4.13%

Hourly usage for August 2019

Hourly Statistics for August 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 368 11427 3.25% 353 10961 3.24% 299 9275 3.27% 8511 263826 4.77%
1 257 7983 2.27% 244 7593 2.24% 211 6554 2.31% 4610 142912 2.58%
2 300 9308 2.64% 281 8735 2.58% 247 7672 2.70% 5904 183013 3.31%
3 303 9417 2.67% 285 8846 2.61% 249 7747 2.73% 8099 251071 4.54%
4 384 11913 3.38% 371 11501 3.40% 355 11024 3.88% 3856 119530 2.16%
5 399 12392 3.52% 387 11999 3.55% 377 11702 4.12% 3791 117523 2.12%
6 500 15503 4.40% 488 15137 4.47% 459 14245 5.01% 4703 145779 2.64%
7 579 17978 5.11% 573 17776 5.25% 545 16904 5.95% 4723 146420 2.65%
8 528 16379 4.65% 514 15953 4.71% 472 14643 5.16% 6100 189086 3.42%
9 621 19258 5.47% 604 18738 5.54% 517 16055 5.65% 7372 228523 4.13%
10 596 18497 5.25% 572 17752 5.24% 441 13695 4.82% 9037 280139 5.06%
11 528 16381 4.65% 497 15432 4.56% 367 11400 4.01% 12553 389153 7.04%
12 503 15598 4.43% 480 14910 4.41% 400 12406 4.37% 9210 285519 5.16%
13 628 19493 5.54% 604 18730 5.53% 519 16091 5.66% 8804 272923 4.93%
14 770 23898 6.79% 750 23273 6.88% 629 19518 6.87% 9283 287777 5.20%
15 542 16832 4.78% 523 16232 4.80% 387 12011 4.23% 7800 241788 4.37%
16 466 14454 4.11% 447 13869 4.10% 314 9737 3.43% 8953 277529 5.02%
17 493 15285 4.34% 475 14739 4.35% 343 10637 3.74% 8463 262352 4.74%
18 432 13394 3.80% 415 12885 3.81% 329 10229 3.60% 8860 274671 4.97%
19 571 17705 5.03% 544 16864 4.98% 462 14329 5.04% 7617 236119 4.27%
20 478 14826 4.21% 459 14238 4.21% 390 12110 4.26% 8162 253030 4.57%
21 332 10310 2.93% 316 9796 2.89% 252 7829 2.76% 6758 209484 3.79%
22 367 11395 3.24% 347 10770 3.18% 278 8644 3.04% 8006 248172 4.49%
23 400 12425 3.53% 378 11735 3.47% 309 9597 3.38% 7264 225175 4.07%

Top 30 of 15516 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 101897 28.94% 286835 5.19% /wp-login.php
2 51276 14.56% 16885 0.31% /xmlrpc.php
3 9659 2.74% 684 0.01% /robots.txt
4 4322 1.23% 3887 0.07% /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
5 1507 0.43% 4 0.00% /favicon.ico
6 1342 0.38% 21508 0.39% /
7 1182 0.34% 32943 0.60% /wp-includes/css/dashicons.min.css
8 1151 0.33% 7920 0.14% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/css/buddypress.min.css
9 1151 0.33% 4509 0.08% /wp-includes/css/admin-bar.min.css
10 1150 0.33% 504 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/css/admin-bar.min.css
11 1142 0.32% 2242 0.04% /wp-content/themes/fearless-child/style.css
12 1142 0.32% 831 0.02% /wp-includes/js/wp-embed.min.js
13 1141 0.32% 1242 0.02% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/vendor/jquery-scroll-to.min.js
14 1141 0.32% 781 0.01% /wp-content/themes/fearless/js/jquery.fitvids.min.js
15 1140 0.32% 141 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/confirm.min.js
16 1139 0.32% 735 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/vendor/jquery-cookie.min.js
17 1138 0.32% 556 0.01% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/widget-members.min.js
18 1135 0.32% 142 0.00% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/js/jquery-query.min.js
19 1131 0.32% 2016 0.04% /wp-content/themes/fearless/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css
20 1129 0.32% 2453 0.04% /wp-content/themes/fearless/css/normalize.css
21 1129 0.32% 2733 0.05% /wp-includes/js/admin-bar.min.js
22 1128 0.32% 4443 0.08% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js
23 1127 0.32% 4937 0.09% /wp-content/themes/fearless/js/jquery.ticker.js
24 1126 0.32% 1974 0.04% /wp-content/themes/fearless/css/fearless-responsive.css
25 1125 0.32% 8940 0.16% /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/js/buddypress.min.js
26 1123 0.32% 6146 0.11% /wp-content/themes/fearless/fancybox/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js
27 1118 0.32% 10825 0.20% /wp-content/themes/fearless/style.css
28 1116 0.32% 1905 0.03% /wp-content/themes/fearless/js/jquery.backstretch.min.js
29 1116 0.32% 654 0.01% /wp-content/themes/fearless/js/jquery.hoverIntent.min.js
30 1114 0.32% 5753 0.10% /wp-content/themes/fearless/js/jquery.flexslider.min.js

Top 10 of 15516 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 317 0.09% 1403756 25.38% /wp-content/uploads/2014/01/memoire-m2-les-artistes-interpretes-jouant-un-role-dans-un-film-publicitaire-par-v.-stahl1.pdf
2 101897 28.94% 286835 5.19% /wp-login.php
3 29 0.01% 191602 3.46% /wp-content/uploads/2017/03/tr-2013-neutralites.pdf
4 179 0.05% 179879 3.25% /wp-content/uploads/2016/12/lartiste-interprete-un-auteur-protegeable-par-mme-pauline-bedon.pdf
5 133 0.04% 78231 1.41% /wp-content/uploads/2006/07/la-telephonie-mobile-technologies-acteurs-et-usages-par-m.-b.-savoure.pdf
6 77 0.02% 67522 1.22% /wp-content/uploads/2014/01/memoire-m2-la-protection-du-titre-des-oeuvres-de-lesprit-par-m.-th.-decarli.pdf
7 45 0.01% 41735 0.75% /wp-content/uploads/2014/12/linfluence-des-etats-unis-sur-le-droit-du-reseau-internet-par-v.-boullier.pdf
8 33 0.01% 41377 0.75% /wp-content/uploads/2015/02/la-resolution-extrajudiciaire-des-litiges-en-ligne-par-c.-ebert.pdf
9 26 0.01% 39526 0.71% /wp-content/uploads/2013/12/memoire-m2-les-revenus-issus-de-lexploitation-en-ligne-des-oeuvres-musicales-par-m.-v.-fiquet.pdf
10 12 0.00% 39283 0.71% /wp-content/uploads/2011/11/TRANSMEDIA-ASPECTS-ECO-Barraud.pdf

Top 10 of 12695 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 101897 28.94% 8411 18.15% /wp-login.php
2 1342 0.38% 1099 2.37% /
3 51276 14.56% 737 1.59% /xmlrpc.php
4 643 0.18% 606 1.31% /feed/
5 4322 1.23% 443 0.96% /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
6 163 0.05% 107 0.23% /2019/01/23/rgpd-les-premieres-sanctions/
7 334 0.09% 92 0.20% /wp-content/uploads/2006/07/
8 276 0.08% 78 0.17% /wp-content/uploads/2016/04/
9 81 0.02% 57 0.12% /2019/01/24/le-smart-textile-vers-la-digitalisation-de-nos-garde-robes/
10 84 0.02% 52 0.11% /2018/03/02/lanonymisation-des-donnees-a-caractere-personnel-un-procede-contraignant-aux-effets-limites/

Top 10 of 12651 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 101897 28.94% 8285 17.85% /wp-login.php
2 4322 1.23% 1414 3.05% /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
3 1342 0.38% 1041 2.24% /
4 51276 14.56% 745 1.61% /xmlrpc.php
5 643 0.18% 607 1.31% /feed/
6 334 0.09% 90 0.19% /wp-content/uploads/2006/07/
7 276 0.08% 78 0.17% /wp-content/uploads/2016/04/
8 124 0.04% 55 0.12% /2019/07/12/cour-dappel-de-paris-pole-6-ch-2-10-janvier-2019-n18-08357/
9 71 0.02% 37 0.08% /2018/03/02/fanfiction-hommage-ou-violation-des-copyrights/
10 163 0.05% 37 0.08% /2019/01/23/rgpd-les-premieres-sanctions/

Top 30 of 4883 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 48116 13.67% 48111 14.21% 182051 3.29% 1 0.00%
2 18087 5.14% 18028 5.33% 40246 0.73% 10 0.02%
3 9163 2.60% 7847 2.32% 74181 1.34% 10 0.02%
4 9080 2.58% 8840 2.61% 83172 1.50% 1 0.00%
5 6676 1.90% 6660 1.97% 1539 0.03% 1 0.00%
6 6676 1.90% 6660 1.97% 1539 0.03% 1 0.00%
7 6674 1.90% 6658 1.97% 1538 0.03% 1 0.00%
8 6672 1.90% 6656 1.97% 1538 0.03% 1 0.00%
9 6659 1.89% 6643 1.96% 1535 0.03% 1 0.00%
10 6544 1.86% 6541 1.93% 14598 0.26% 3 0.01%
11 6531 1.86% 6529 1.93% 26254 0.47% 1 0.00%
12 4663 1.32% 4571 1.35% 25567 0.46% 242 0.51%
13 3498 0.99% 3430 1.01% 15672 0.28% 355 0.76%
14 3138 0.89% 3092 0.91% 77272 1.40% 732 1.56%
15 3105 0.88% 3103 0.92% 1249 0.02% 1 0.00%
16 2153 0.61% 2118 0.63% 11185 0.20% 486 1.03%
17 2127 0.60% 2099 0.62% 10523 0.19% 516 1.10%
18 2078 0.59% 2052 0.61% 10763 0.19% 508 1.08%
19 2027 0.58% 1999 0.59% 10700 0.19% 511 1.09%
20 1978 0.56% 1960 0.58% 10327 0.19% 496 1.06%
21 1957 0.56% 1939 0.57% 10236 0.19% 546 1.16%
22 1953 0.55% 1920 0.57% 9933 0.18% 535 1.14%
23 1953 0.55% 1931 0.57% 9906 0.18% 542 1.15%
24 1926 0.55% 1910 0.56% 10265 0.19% 516 1.10%
25 1912 0.54% 1890 0.56% 9750 0.18% 539 1.15%
26 1898 0.54% 1875 0.55% 9540 0.17% 519 1.10%
27 1893 0.54% 1880 0.56% 9605 0.17% 540 1.15%
28 1856 0.53% 1838 0.54% 9585 0.17% 525 1.12%
29 1835 0.52% 787 0.23% 24145 0.44% 0 0.00%
30 1806 0.51% 1782 0.53% 9078 0.16% 539 1.15%

Top 10 of 4883 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 208 0.06% 90 0.03% 252657 4.57% 0 0.00%
2 48116 13.67% 48111 14.21% 182051 3.29% 1 0.00%
3 446 0.13% 446 0.13% 85159 1.54% 1 0.00%
4 9080 2.58% 8840 2.61% 83172 1.50% 1 0.00%
5 238 0.07% 238 0.07% 78276 1.42% 2 0.00%
6 3138 0.89% 3092 0.91% 77272 1.40% 732 1.56%
7 9163 2.60% 7847 2.32% 74181 1.34% 10 0.02%
8 497 0.14% 484 0.14% 71727 1.30% 1 0.00%
9 88 0.02% 24 0.01% 63384 1.15% 0 0.00%
10 1690 0.48% 1573 0.46% 54770 0.99% 2 0.00%

Top 30 of 4134 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 272081 77.28% - (Direct Request)
2 1176 0.33%
3 266 0.08%
4 253 0.07%
5 50 0.01%
6 40 0.01%
7 30 0.01%
8 29 0.01%
9 24 0.01%
10 24 0.01%
11 21 0.01%
12 21 0.01%
13 21 0.01%
14 18 0.01%
15 18 0.01%
16 18 0.01%
17 18 0.01%
18 17 0.00%
19 17 0.00%
20 15 0.00%
21 15 0.00%
22 15 0.00%
23 15 0.00%
24 15 0.00%
25 12 0.00%
26 12 0.00%
27 12 0.00%
28 12 0.00%
29 12 0.00%
30 11 0.00%

Top 2 of 2 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 66.67% liste forbes mexicains
2 1 33.33% facebook and swatting

Top 15 of 1050 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 48110 13.67% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0
2 33357 9.48% Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_151)
3 33146 9.42% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/3~bl; +
4 27814 7.90% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36
5 22017 6.25% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/6.1; +
6 21413 6.08% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
7 19754 5.61% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/6~bl; +
8 11309 3.21% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0
9 9192 2.61% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SEOkicks; +
10 9080 2.58% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;; +
11 8152 2.32% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; adscanner/)
12 7732 2.20% (;
13 7477 2.12% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Qwantify/2.4w; +
14 6533 1.86% serpstatbot/1.0 (advanced backlink tracking bot; curl/7.58.0;;
15 5790 1.64% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for August 2019

Top 30 of 73 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 135473 38.48% 130672 38.61% 1976169 35.73% Unresolved/Unknown
2 110022 31.25% 107805 31.85% 1767231 31.95% Commercial (com)
3 37812 10.74% 35579 10.51% 282007 5.10% Germany
4 19819 5.63% 19504 5.76% 59398 1.07% European Union
5 19469 5.53% 17307 5.11% 1021430 18.47% France
6 16709 4.75% 15997 4.73% 359800 6.50% Network (net)
7 6659 1.89% 6623 1.96% 15105 0.27% United Kingdom
8 1417 0.40% 1405 0.42% 2572 0.05% Brazil
9 769 0.22% 761 0.22% 6736 0.12% Belgium
10 518 0.15% 499 0.15% 1183 0.02% Greece
11 390 0.11% 389 0.11% 1550 0.03% China
12 310 0.09% 307 0.09% 1749 0.03% Ukraine
13 296 0.08% 289 0.09% 2404 0.04% Canada
14 194 0.06% 185 0.05% 2543 0.05% Japan
15 183 0.05% 169 0.05% 2087 0.04% Non-Profit (org)
16 169 0.05% 137 0.04% 1031 0.02% Poland
17 138 0.04% 92 0.03% 576 0.01% Generic TLD (info)
18 127 0.04% 124 0.04% 667 0.01% Luxembourg
19 125 0.04% 122 0.04% 1143 0.02% Morocco
20 121 0.03% 121 0.04% 186 0.00% Portugal
21 110 0.03% 104 0.03% 872 0.02% Czech Republic
22 102 0.03% 99 0.03% 697 0.01% Switzerland
23 101 0.03% 94 0.03% 1123 0.02% Russian Federation
24 91 0.03% 69 0.02% 1315 0.02% Netherlands
25 82 0.02% 78 0.02% 269 0.00% Colombia
26 80 0.02% 74 0.02% 2155 0.04% Lebanon
27 70 0.02% 65 0.02% 849 0.02% Address Routing (arpa)
28 70 0.02% 49 0.01% 429 0.01% Italy
29 63 0.02% 57 0.02% 908 0.02% Sweden
30 58 0.02% 56 0.02% 8227 0.15% Madagascar

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23