Usage statistics for

Summary Period: July 2019
Generated 01-Aug-2019 00:19 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2019
Total Hits 16838
Total Files 12111
Total Pages 10687
Total Visits 2504
Total KBytes 115404
Total Unique Sites 1237
Total Unique URLs 309
Total Unique Referrers 221
Total Unique User Agents 429
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 22 1487
Hits per Day 543 2047
Files per Day 390 1952
Pages per Day 344 1880
Sites per Day 39 147
Visits per Day 80 164
KBytes per Day 3723 12013
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 71.93% 12111
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 3.19% 537
Code 302 - Found 1.85% 312
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.13% 22
Code 400 - Bad Request 3.18% 536
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.01% 1
Code 404 - Not Found 19.63% 3305
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.07% 12
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.01% 2

Daily usage for July 2019

Daily Statistics for July 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 402 2.39% 312 2.58% 181 1.69% 76 3.04% 59 4.77% 3639 3.15%
2 329 1.95% 217 1.79% 150 1.40% 65 2.60% 54 4.37% 2391 2.07%
3 655 3.89% 492 4.06% 484 4.53% 82 3.27% 58 4.69% 6025 5.22%
4 750 4.45% 633 5.23% 479 4.48% 98 3.91% 86 6.95% 6428 5.57%
5 314 1.86% 263 2.17% 239 2.24% 89 3.55% 73 5.90% 2084 1.81%
6 445 2.64% 317 2.62% 297 2.78% 107 4.27% 91 7.36% 2444 2.12%
7 328 1.95% 251 2.07% 228 2.13% 133 5.31% 117 9.46% 2007 1.74%
8 726 4.31% 562 4.64% 438 4.10% 97 3.87% 86 6.95% 5773 5.00%
9 790 4.69% 656 5.42% 394 3.69% 100 3.99% 76 6.14% 6423 5.57%
10 778 4.62% 631 5.21% 603 5.64% 164 6.55% 147 11.88% 4731 4.10%
11 618 3.67% 461 3.81% 458 4.29% 73 2.92% 75 6.06% 3912 3.39%
12 420 2.49% 248 2.05% 188 1.76% 89 3.55% 78 6.31% 3166 2.74%
13 263 1.56% 127 1.05% 121 1.13% 85 3.39% 66 5.34% 2580 2.24%
14 262 1.56% 118 0.97% 75 0.70% 56 2.24% 77 6.22% 3378 2.93%
15 340 2.02% 198 1.63% 102 0.95% 56 2.24% 73 5.90% 2674 2.32%
16 280 1.66% 168 1.39% 115 1.08% 71 2.84% 51 4.12% 6681 5.79%
17 569 3.38% 433 3.58% 407 3.81% 47 1.88% 39 3.15% 3605 3.12%
18 1663 9.88% 911 7.52% 1114 10.42% 47 1.88% 42 3.40% 12013 10.41%
19 2047 12.16% 1952 16.12% 1880 17.59% 60 2.40% 50 4.04% 2737 2.37%
20 689 4.09% 378 3.12% 480 4.49% 80 3.19% 59 4.77% 4032 3.49%
21 152 0.90% 114 0.94% 103 0.96% 47 1.88% 42 3.40% 828 0.72%
22 356 2.11% 235 1.94% 173 1.62% 82 3.27% 66 5.34% 2156 1.87%
23 334 1.98% 214 1.77% 182 1.70% 61 2.44% 45 3.64% 1373 1.19%
24 831 4.94% 723 5.97% 644 6.03% 96 3.83% 81 6.55% 4414 3.83%
25 348 2.07% 203 1.68% 211 1.97% 86 3.43% 70 5.66% 4317 3.74%
26 309 1.84% 214 1.77% 159 1.49% 73 2.92% 55 4.45% 1833 1.59%
27 479 2.84% 335 2.77% 220 2.06% 115 4.59% 96 7.76% 2731 2.37%
28 284 1.69% 164 1.35% 98 0.92% 66 2.64% 50 4.04% 2183 1.89%
29 336 2.00% 178 1.47% 138 1.29% 63 2.52% 50 4.04% 2224 1.93%
30 350 2.08% 235 1.94% 148 1.38% 52 2.08% 38 3.07% 2819 2.44%
31 391 2.32% 168 1.39% 178 1.67% 89 3.55% 70 5.66% 3801 3.29%

Hourly usage for July 2019

Hourly Statistics for July 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 11 346 2.05% 8 275 2.27% 5 183 1.71% 82 2535 2.20%
1 11 341 2.03% 6 193 1.59% 6 192 1.80% 215 6658 5.77%
2 9 295 1.75% 7 217 1.79% 7 220 2.06% 62 1909 1.65%
3 14 440 2.61% 7 245 2.02% 8 257 2.40% 97 3001 2.60%
4 91 2843 16.88% 68 2109 17.41% 80 2480 23.21% 309 9578 8.30%
5 19 604 3.59% 17 550 4.54% 16 525 4.91% 65 2004 1.74%
6 7 219 1.30% 4 136 1.12% 5 157 1.47% 44 1363 1.18%
7 26 826 4.91% 22 705 5.82% 16 524 4.90% 251 7779 6.74%
8 49 1519 9.02% 36 1126 9.30% 37 1148 10.74% 403 12492 10.82%
9 37 1164 6.91% 29 908 7.50% 24 759 7.10% 256 7946 6.89%
10 17 546 3.24% 11 370 3.06% 6 211 1.97% 150 4655 4.03%
11 39 1210 7.19% 33 1037 8.56% 29 919 8.60% 244 7565 6.56%
12 15 489 2.90% 9 289 2.39% 7 247 2.31% 130 4017 3.48%
13 18 586 3.48% 13 417 3.44% 9 296 2.77% 120 3712 3.22%
14 18 586 3.48% 13 431 3.56% 7 232 2.17% 196 6070 5.26%
15 19 602 3.58% 13 408 3.37% 8 273 2.55% 140 4344 3.76%
16 26 811 4.82% 15 489 4.04% 13 424 3.97% 228 7060 6.12%
17 21 679 4.03% 14 461 3.81% 10 313 2.93% 134 4150 3.60%
18 14 454 2.70% 9 284 2.34% 5 179 1.67% 145 4504 3.90%
19 17 552 3.28% 10 334 2.76% 9 297 2.78% 110 3423 2.97%
20 16 525 3.12% 10 340 2.81% 8 263 2.46% 111 3442 2.98%
21 12 399 2.37% 8 270 2.23% 7 228 2.13% 63 1953 1.69%
22 12 383 2.27% 7 242 2.00% 5 158 1.48% 80 2467 2.14%
23 13 419 2.49% 8 275 2.27% 6 202 1.89% 90 2779 2.41%

Top 30 of 309 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2034 12.08% 460 0.40% /xmlrpc.php
2 1574 9.35% 2358 2.04% /wp-login.php
3 849 5.04% 0 0.00% /favicon.ico
4 843 5.01% 32 0.03% /robots.txt
5 654 3.88% 12761 11.06% /
6 637 3.78% 12 0.01% /wp-cron.php
7 494 2.93% 0 0.00% /wp-admin/admin-post.php
8 350 2.08% 3201 2.77% /2019/04/30/parution-de-droit-musique-et-numerique-considerations-croisees/
9 238 1.41% 4628 4.01% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/annuaire-droit-et-religion-puam/
10 126 0.75% 1114 0.97% /feed/
11 107 0.64% 502 0.44% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js
12 107 0.64% 4293 3.72% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js
13 107 0.64% 88 0.08% /wp-includes/js/wp-embed.min.js
14 102 0.61% 193 0.17% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/js/navigation.js
15 102 0.61% 676 0.59% /wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css
16 101 0.60% 136 0.12% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/js/svgxuse.min.js
17 100 0.59% 1524 1.32% /wp-content/themes/donovan/style.css
18 96 0.57% 2598 2.25% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/icons/genericons-neue.svg
19 94 0.56% 68 0.06% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/css/custom-fonts.css
20 89 0.53% 397 0.34% /wp-includes/js/wp-emoji-release.min.js
21 73 0.43% 2071 1.79% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/quicksand-v7-latin-ext_latin-regular.woff2
22 73 0.43% 2289 1.98% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-700.woff2
23 73 0.43% 2257 1.96% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-regular.woff2
24 66 0.39% 1803 1.56% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/quicksand-v7-latin-ext_latin-700.woff2
25 31 0.18% 248 0.21% /category/actualites/feed/
26 30 0.18% 202 0.18% /lequipe-du-lid2ms/enseignants-chercheurs/
27 27 0.16% 153 0.13% /lequipe-du-lid2ms/directeur/
28 26 0.15% 159 0.14% /2016/03/25/jean-philippe-agresti-mcf/
29 25 0.15% 195 0.17% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/actes-de-colloques-en-ligne/religions-et-elections-presidentielles-aux-etats-unis-22-et-23-septembre-2016/
30 23 0.14% 140 0.12% /2016/03/25/dominique-augey-pr/

Top 10 of 309 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 654 3.88% 12761 11.06% /
2 238 1.41% 4628 4.01% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/annuaire-droit-et-religion-puam/
3 107 0.64% 4293 3.72% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js
4 350 2.08% 3201 2.77% /2019/04/30/parution-de-droit-musique-et-numerique-considerations-croisees/
5 96 0.57% 2598 2.25% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/icons/genericons-neue.svg
6 1574 9.35% 2358 2.04% /wp-login.php
7 73 0.43% 2289 1.98% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-700.woff2
8 73 0.43% 2257 1.96% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-regular.woff2
9 73 0.43% 2071 1.79% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/quicksand-v7-latin-ext_latin-regular.woff2
10 66 0.39% 1803 1.56% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/quicksand-v7-latin-ext_latin-700.woff2

Top 10 of 154 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 637 3.78% 574 26.31% /wp-cron.php
2 654 3.88% 446 20.44% /
3 1574 9.35% 417 19.11% /wp-login.php
4 350 2.08% 202 9.26% /2019/04/30/parution-de-droit-musique-et-numerique-considerations-croisees/
5 2034 12.08% 147 6.74% /xmlrpc.php
6 238 1.41% 72 3.30% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/annuaire-droit-et-religion-puam/
7 126 0.75% 53 2.43% /feed/
8 31 0.18% 31 1.42% /category/actualites/feed/
9 8 0.05% 7 0.32% /2015/01/21/rencontres-droit-et-art-la-valeur-de-loeuvre-dans-lart-contemporain-jeudi-29-janvier-2015/
10 7 0.04% 7 0.32% /author/lid2ms/page/11/

Top 10 of 164 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 637 3.78% 573 25.35% /wp-cron.php
2 1574 9.35% 423 18.72% /wp-login.php
3 654 3.88% 354 15.66% /
4 350 2.08% 221 9.78% /2019/04/30/parution-de-droit-musique-et-numerique-considerations-croisees/
5 2034 12.08% 185 8.19% /xmlrpc.php
6 126 0.75% 114 5.04% /feed/
7 238 1.41% 72 3.19% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/annuaire-droit-et-religion-puam/
8 31 0.18% 31 1.37% /category/actualites/feed/
9 22 0.13% 16 0.71% /comments/feed/
10 25 0.15% 7 0.31% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/actes-de-colloques-en-ligne/religions-et-elections-presidentielles-aux-etats-unis-22-et-23-septembre-2016/

Top 30 of 1237 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2469 14.66% 857 7.08% 14057 12.18% 177 7.07%
2 2177 12.93% 1998 16.50% 13445 11.65% 7 0.28%
3 1790 10.63% 1777 14.67% 470 0.41% 1 0.04%
4 982 5.83% 372 3.07% 7273 6.30% 1 0.04%
5 416 2.47% 416 3.43% 8 0.01% 379 15.14%
6 371 2.20% 107 0.88% 2684 2.33% 1 0.04%
7 221 1.31% 221 1.82% 4 0.00% 195 7.79%
8 188 1.12% 188 1.55% 8 0.01% 0 0.00%
9 186 1.10% 0 0.00% 3935 3.41% 0 0.00%
10 172 1.02% 172 1.42% 1299 1.13% 1 0.04%
11 171 1.02% 167 1.38% 1101 0.95% 127 5.07%
12 154 0.91% 93 0.77% 481 0.42% 59 2.36%
13 153 0.91% 153 1.26% 4 0.00% 0 0.00%
14 94 0.56% 54 0.45% 417 0.36% 1 0.04%
15 94 0.56% 54 0.45% 417 0.36% 1 0.04%
16 80 0.48% 18 0.15% 1001 0.87% 2 0.08%
17 73 0.43% 73 0.60% 608 0.53% 2 0.08%
18 70 0.42% 56 0.46% 705 0.61% 6 0.24%
19 67 0.40% 66 0.54% 543 0.47% 1 0.04%
20 67 0.40% 67 0.55% 723 0.63% 2 0.08%
21 66 0.39% 65 0.54% 534 0.46% 1 0.04%
22 64 0.38% 54 0.45% 578 0.50% 19 0.76% hn.kd.ny.adsl
23 63 0.37% 47 0.39% 1555 1.35% 2 0.08%
24 62 0.37% 62 0.51% 783 0.68% 2 0.08%
25 62 0.37% 61 0.50% 66 0.06% 1 0.04%
26 59 0.35% 59 0.49% 715 0.62% 2 0.08%
27 57 0.34% 0 0.00% 414 0.36% 34 1.36%
28 57 0.34% 56 0.46% 570 0.49% 1 0.04%
29 56 0.33% 56 0.46% 587 0.51% 1 0.04%
30 55 0.33% 47 0.39% 2113 1.83% 2 0.08%

Top 10 of 1237 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2469 14.66% 857 7.08% 14057 12.18% 177 7.07%
2 2177 12.93% 1998 16.50% 13445 11.65% 7 0.28%
3 982 5.83% 372 3.07% 7273 6.30% 1 0.04%
4 11 0.07% 10 0.08% 4404 3.82% 1 0.04%
5 186 1.10% 0 0.00% 3935 3.41% 0 0.00%
6 371 2.20% 107 0.88% 2684 2.33% 1 0.04%
7 55 0.33% 47 0.39% 2113 1.83% 2 0.08%
8 20 0.12% 20 0.17% 1770 1.53% 1 0.04%
9 21 0.12% 21 0.17% 1739 1.51% 1 0.04%
10 63 0.37% 47 0.39% 1555 1.35% 2 0.08%

Top 30 of 221 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 13115 77.89% - (Direct Request)
2 23 0.14%
3 10 0.06%
4 9 0.05%
5 6 0.04%
6 6 0.04%
7 6 0.04%
8 6 0.04%
9 6 0.04%
10 6 0.04%
11 6 0.04%
12 6 0.04%
13 6 0.04%
14 6 0.04%
15 6 0.04%
16 6 0.04%
17 6 0.04%
18 6 0.04%
19 6 0.04%
20 6 0.04%
21 6 0.04%
22 6 0.04% https://xn--80aaafbn2bc2ahdfrfkln6l.xn--p1ai/
23 5 0.03%
24 5 0.03%
25 4 0.02%
26 3 0.02%
27 3 0.02%
28 3 0.02%
29 3 0.02%
30 3 0.02%

Top 15 of 429 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2170 12.89% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0
2 1790 10.63% Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_151)
3 1414 8.40% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0
4 1400 8.31% MobileSafari/604.1 CFNetwork/978.0.7 Darwin/18.6.0
5 1364 8.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.143 Safari/537.36
6 1014 6.02% Safari/12602. CFNetwork/807.0.4 Darwin/16.0.0 (x86_64)
7 637 3.78% WordPress/5.2.2;
8 263 1.56% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0
9 252 1.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.1.1 Safari/605.1.15
10 195 1.16% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; special_archiver/3.1.1 +
11 188 1.12% rogerbot/1.0 (,
12 186 1.10% request
13 178 1.06% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Datanyze; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36
14 172 1.02% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/74.0.3729.169 Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Saf
15 171 1.02% Chrome/71.0.3578.98

Usage by Country for July 2019

Top 30 of 50 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 4671 27.74% 3878 32.02% 25193 21.83% Unresolved/Unknown
2 3636 21.59% 3143 25.95% 26358 22.84% Network (net)
3 3258 19.35% 1603 13.24% 24047 20.84% France
4 2640 15.68% 1910 15.77% 19927 17.27% Commercial (com)
5 1119 6.65% 447 3.69% 9774 8.47% European Union
6 213 1.26% 158 1.30% 3368 2.92% Non-Profit (org)
7 208 1.24% 202 1.67% 1724 1.49% Japan
8 193 1.15% 127 1.05% 1367 1.18% Germany
9 155 0.92% 94 0.78% 481 0.42% Israel
10 133 0.79% 72 0.59% 652 0.57% Mexico
11 113 0.67% 94 0.78% 114 0.10% Brazil
12 82 0.49% 78 0.64% 238 0.21% Russian Federation
13 49 0.29% 40 0.33% 310 0.27% Turkey
14 45 0.27% 35 0.29% 52 0.04% Hungary
15 37 0.22% 10 0.08% 252 0.22% Palau
16 36 0.21% 35 0.29% 471 0.41% Ukraine
17 34 0.20% 31 0.26% 59 0.05% Viet Nam
18 28 0.17% 15 0.12% 271 0.23% Italy
19 25 0.15% 15 0.12% 19 0.02% Thailand
20 15 0.09% 10 0.08% 49 0.04% Netherlands
21 11 0.07% 10 0.08% 24 0.02% China
22 10 0.06% 10 0.08% 13 0.01% Generic Business (biz)
23 10 0.06% 10 0.08% 13 0.01% Austria
24 10 0.06% 9 0.07% 18 0.02% British Indian Ocean Territory
25 10 0.06% 10 0.08% 13 0.01% Mongolia
26 10 0.06% 10 0.08% 11 0.01% Philippines
27 9 0.05% 5 0.04% 24 0.02% Poland
28 9 0.05% 9 0.07% 11 0.01% Taiwan
29 8 0.05% 6 0.05% 10 0.01% India
30 8 0.05% 0 0.00% 254 0.22% Namibia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23