Usage statistics for

Summary Period: November 2019
Generated 01-Dec-2019 00:19 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for November 2019
Total Hits 23774
Total Files 20843
Total Pages 19684
Total Visits 3934
Total KBytes 187241
Total Unique Sites 1975
Total Unique URLs 740
Total Unique Referrers 399
Total Unique User Agents 486
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 33 1764
Hits per Day 792 2432
Files per Day 694 2367
Pages per Day 656 2310
Sites per Day 65 206
Visits per Day 131 494
KBytes per Day 6241 74531
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 87.67% 20843
Code 201 - Created 0.01% 2
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.07% 17
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 2.42% 575
Code 302 - Found 0.37% 89
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.71% 407
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.02% 4
Code 404 - Not Found 7.04% 1674
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.03% 8
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.65% 155

Daily usage for November 2019

Daily Statistics for November 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1187 4.99% 1122 5.38% 1077 5.47% 192 4.88% 181 9.16% 3726 1.99%
2 755 3.18% 717 3.44% 695 3.53% 168 4.27% 146 7.39% 2064 1.10%
3 1056 4.44% 909 4.36% 902 4.58% 108 2.75% 98 4.96% 74531 39.80%
4 203 0.85% 170 0.82% 131 0.67% 45 1.14% 37 1.87% 1360 0.73%
5 468 1.97% 427 2.05% 254 1.29% 92 2.34% 101 5.11% 3170 1.69%
6 691 2.91% 635 3.05% 636 3.23% 139 3.53% 131 6.63% 2131 1.14%
7 1432 6.02% 1394 6.69% 1388 7.05% 237 6.02% 206 10.43% 2151 1.15%
8 2432 10.23% 2367 11.36% 2310 11.74% 132 3.36% 120 6.08% 2867 1.53%
9 524 2.20% 478 2.29% 454 2.31% 145 3.69% 134 6.78% 2109 1.13%
10 515 2.17% 468 2.25% 414 2.10% 131 3.33% 115 5.82% 3641 1.94%
11 914 3.84% 861 4.13% 830 4.22% 248 6.30% 206 10.43% 2701 1.44%
12 521 2.19% 477 2.29% 275 1.40% 108 2.75% 102 5.16% 4479 2.39%
13 687 2.89% 608 2.92% 629 3.20% 187 4.75% 173 8.76% 2381 1.27%
14 366 1.54% 320 1.54% 319 1.62% 140 3.56% 123 6.23% 1497 0.80%
15 556 2.34% 506 2.43% 257 1.31% 73 1.86% 69 3.49% 5734 3.06%
16 169 0.71% 132 0.63% 84 0.43% 50 1.27% 50 2.53% 1533 0.82%
17 384 1.62% 352 1.69% 306 1.55% 69 1.75% 64 3.24% 2041 1.09%
18 415 1.75% 362 1.74% 167 0.85% 84 2.14% 79 4.00% 4728 2.53%
19 691 2.91% 622 2.98% 563 2.86% 207 5.26% 173 8.76% 4212 2.25%
20 1120 4.71% 1061 5.09% 1009 5.13% 70 1.78% 52 2.63% 3741 2.00%
21 461 1.94% 415 1.99% 251 1.28% 56 1.42% 50 2.53% 4010 2.14%
22 2277 9.58% 864 4.15% 2063 10.48% 494 12.56% 86 4.35% 11870 6.34%
23 693 2.91% 654 3.14% 621 3.15% 110 2.80% 106 5.37% 2608 1.39%
24 672 2.83% 643 3.08% 639 3.25% 101 2.57% 100 5.06% 2252 1.20%
25 299 1.26% 278 1.33% 180 0.91% 56 1.42% 56 2.84% 1912 1.02%
26 722 3.04% 675 3.24% 619 3.14% 95 2.41% 87 4.41% 2824 1.51%
27 1233 5.19% 1199 5.75% 1188 6.04% 162 4.12% 152 7.70% 2680 1.43%
28 513 2.16% 479 2.30% 434 2.20% 78 1.98% 78 3.95% 2215 1.18%
29 1533 6.45% 1432 6.87% 763 3.88% 89 2.26% 88 4.46% 24432 13.05%
30 285 1.20% 216 1.04% 226 1.15% 69 1.75% 77 3.90% 1641 0.88%

Hourly usage for November 2019

Hourly Statistics for November 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 15 464 1.95% 13 394 1.89% 14 442 2.25% 64 1934 1.03%
1 20 609 2.56% 18 543 2.61% 18 551 2.80% 103 3097 1.65%
2 72 2187 9.20% 72 2160 10.36% 69 2088 10.61% 88 2630 1.40%
3 16 505 2.12% 15 473 2.27% 15 464 2.36% 56 1680 0.90%
4 19 586 2.46% 18 561 2.69% 18 564 2.87% 65 1943 1.04%
5 23 718 3.02% 21 644 3.09% 21 655 3.33% 92 2750 1.47%
6 19 599 2.52% 18 553 2.65% 18 546 2.77% 49 1482 0.79%
7 21 649 2.73% 17 537 2.58% 19 596 3.03% 75 2239 1.20%
8 26 793 3.34% 18 562 2.70% 20 602 3.06% 84 2530 1.35%
9 92 2761 11.61% 45 1352 6.49% 78 2353 11.95% 514 15434 8.24%
10 27 819 3.44% 25 777 3.73% 20 617 3.13% 144 4334 2.31%
11 48 1444 6.07% 46 1402 6.73% 26 781 3.97% 539 16181 8.64%
12 40 1227 5.16% 39 1177 5.65% 28 869 4.41% 381 11417 6.10%
13 29 870 3.66% 27 821 3.94% 23 699 3.55% 133 3997 2.13%
14 35 1065 4.48% 33 1005 4.82% 25 773 3.93% 244 7320 3.91%
15 28 863 3.63% 25 779 3.74% 23 695 3.53% 169 5071 2.71%
16 60 1829 7.69% 55 1654 7.94% 43 1316 6.69% 2712 81369 43.46%
17 24 720 3.03% 23 699 3.35% 19 572 2.91% 101 3022 1.61%
18 28 841 3.54% 25 779 3.74% 23 697 3.54% 123 3699 1.98%
19 25 777 3.27% 23 698 3.35% 22 672 3.41% 125 3748 2.00%
20 19 597 2.51% 18 564 2.71% 18 544 2.76% 78 2339 1.25%
21 23 695 2.92% 21 646 3.10% 18 546 2.77% 112 3349 1.79%
22 51 1557 6.55% 50 1517 7.28% 48 1461 7.42% 110 3305 1.77%
23 19 599 2.52% 18 546 2.62% 19 581 2.95% 79 2370 1.27%

Top 30 of 740 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8935 37.58% 12314 6.58% /wp-login.php
2 5152 21.67% 1521 0.81% /xmlrpc.php
3 644 2.71% 27 0.01% /robots.txt
4 529 2.23% 8158 4.36% /
5 386 1.62% 8708 4.65% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/annuaire-droit-et-religion-puam/
6 306 1.29% 960 0.51% /feed/
7 276 1.16% 0 0.00% /favicon.ico
8 236 0.99% 1095 0.59% /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
9 183 0.77% 268 0.14% /category/actualites/feed/
10 143 0.60% 781 0.42% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/actes-de-colloques-en-ligne/religions-et-elections-presidentielles-aux-etats-unis-22-et-23-septembre-2016/
11 119 0.50% 92 0.05% /wp-includes/js/wp-embed.min.js
12 118 0.50% 1660 0.89% /wp-content/themes/donovan/style.css
13 117 0.49% 211 0.11% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/js/navigation.js
14 117 0.49% 153 0.08% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/js/svgxuse.min.js
15 117 0.49% 502 0.27% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js
16 114 0.48% 694 0.37% /wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.min.css
17 110 0.46% 74 0.04% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/css/custom-fonts.css
18 108 0.45% 3989 2.13% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js
19 102 0.43% 2790 1.49% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/icons/genericons-neue.svg
20 90 0.38% 2829 1.51% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-700.woff2
21 88 0.37% 2567 1.37% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/quicksand-v7-latin-ext_latin-regular.woff2
22 87 0.37% 2727 1.46% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-regular.woff2
23 82 0.34% 379 0.20% /wp-includes/js/wp-emoji-release.min.js
24 78 0.33% 2197 1.17% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/quicksand-v7-latin-ext_latin-700.woff2
25 63 0.26% 856 0.46% /2019/10/23/rencontre-droit-arts-citations-emprunts-surimpressions-les-creations-de-lucien-clergue-sous-le-regard-du-droit-et-de-lart/
26 53 0.22% 327 0.17% /2016/03/25/xavier-agostinelli-mcf/
27 43 0.18% 3 0.00% /wp-json/wp/v2/tags
28 31 0.13% 200 0.11% /lequipe-du-lid2ms/enseignants-chercheurs/
29 28 0.12% 1454 0.78% /wp-admin/load-scripts.php
30 28 0.12% 916 0.49% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-italic.woff2

Top 10 of 740 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8935 37.58% 12314 6.58% /wp-login.php
2 386 1.62% 8708 4.65% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/annuaire-droit-et-religion-puam/
3 529 2.23% 8158 4.36% /
4 108 0.45% 3989 2.13% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js
5 90 0.38% 2829 1.51% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-700.woff2
6 102 0.43% 2790 1.49% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/icons/genericons-neue.svg
7 87 0.37% 2727 1.46% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/raleway-v12-latin-ext_latin-regular.woff2
8 88 0.37% 2567 1.37% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/quicksand-v7-latin-ext_latin-regular.woff2
9 1 0.00% 2346 1.25% /wp-content/uploads/2016/09/programme-laicc88citecc81-et-pluralisme-religieux-e28093-6-octobre-2016.pdf
10 78 0.33% 2197 1.17% /wp-content/themes/donovan/assets/fonts/quicksand-v7-latin-ext_latin-700.woff2

Top 10 of 148 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 8935 37.58% 2062 58.91% /wp-login.php
2 529 2.23% 416 11.89% /
3 306 1.29% 244 6.97% /feed/
4 183 0.77% 183 5.23% /category/actualites/feed/
5 386 1.62% 111 3.17% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/annuaire-droit-et-religion-puam/
6 5152 21.67% 104 2.97% /xmlrpc.php
7 143 0.60% 62 1.77% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/actes-de-colloques-en-ligne/religions-et-elections-presidentielles-aux-etats-unis-22-et-23-septembre-2016/
8 63 0.26% 24 0.69% /2019/10/23/rencontre-droit-arts-citations-emprunts-surimpressions-les-creations-de-lucien-clergue-sous-le-regard-du-droit-et-de-lart/
9 53 0.22% 8 0.23% /2016/03/25/xavier-agostinelli-mcf/
10 27 0.11% 8 0.23% /2019/11/15/colloque-courants-religieux-conservateurs-et-radicaux-communication-numerique/

Top 10 of 152 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5152 21.67% 1716 48.27% /xmlrpc.php
2 8935 37.58% 472 13.28% /wp-login.php
3 529 2.23% 375 10.55% /
4 306 1.29% 298 8.38% /feed/
5 183 0.77% 175 4.92% /category/actualites/feed/
6 386 1.62% 112 3.15% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/annuaire-droit-et-religion-puam/
7 143 0.60% 62 1.74% /les-publications-du-lid2ms-2/actes-de-colloques-en-ligne/religions-et-elections-presidentielles-aux-etats-unis-22-et-23-septembre-2016/
8 63 0.26% 33 0.93% /2019/10/23/rencontre-droit-arts-citations-emprunts-surimpressions-les-creations-de-lucien-clergue-sous-le-regard-du-droit-et-de-lart/
9 53 0.22% 13 0.37% /2016/03/25/xavier-agostinelli-mcf/
10 27 0.11% 13 0.37% /2019/11/15/colloque-courants-religieux-conservateurs-et-radicaux-communication-numerique/

Top 30 of 1975 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1798 7.56% 1779 8.54% 511 0.27% 7 0.18%
2 1751 7.37% 394 1.89% 10280 5.49% 407 10.35%
3 807 3.39% 806 3.87% 364 0.19% 1 0.03%
4 787 3.31% 750 3.60% 14292 7.63% 7 0.18%
5 611 2.57% 543 2.61% 72829 38.90% 1 0.03%
6 592 2.49% 577 2.77% 10970 5.86% 5 0.13%
7 301 1.27% 284 1.36% 2966 1.58% 7 0.18%
8 186 0.78% 0 0.00% 924 0.49% 0 0.00%
9 183 0.77% 183 0.88% 8 0.00% 0 0.00%
10 146 0.61% 11 0.05% 95 0.05% 143 3.63%
11 143 0.60% 29 0.14% 251 0.13% 139 3.53%
12 142 0.60% 141 0.68% 98 0.05% 1 0.03%
13 134 0.56% 23 0.11% 199 0.11% 133 3.38%
14 132 0.56% 86 0.41% 402 0.21% 45 1.14%
15 118 0.50% 114 0.55% 1174 0.63% 13 0.33%
16 106 0.45% 106 0.51% 1196 0.64% 1 0.03%
17 104 0.44% 103 0.49% 63 0.03% 1 0.03%
18 104 0.44% 103 0.49% 63 0.03% 1 0.03%
19 104 0.44% 103 0.49% 63 0.03% 1 0.03%
20 80 0.34% 80 0.38% 85 0.05% 20 0.51%
21 76 0.32% 76 0.36% 390 0.21% 37 0.94%
22 68 0.29% 67 0.32% 556 0.30% 1 0.03%
23 68 0.29% 67 0.32% 556 0.30% 1 0.03%
24 68 0.29% 67 0.32% 554 0.30% 1 0.03%
25 67 0.28% 66 0.32% 544 0.29% 1 0.03%
26 62 0.26% 61 0.29% 24 0.01% 1 0.03%
27 62 0.26% 62 0.30% 243 0.13% 7 0.18%
28 61 0.26% 61 0.29% 726 0.39% 1 0.03%
29 60 0.25% 50 0.24% 490 0.26% 1 0.03%
30 60 0.25% 60 0.29% 1257 0.67% 15 0.38%

Top 10 of 1975 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 611 2.57% 543 2.61% 72829 38.90% 1 0.03%
2 787 3.31% 750 3.60% 14292 7.63% 7 0.18%
3 592 2.49% 577 2.77% 10970 5.86% 5 0.13%
4 1751 7.37% 394 1.89% 10280 5.49% 407 10.35%
5 301 1.27% 284 1.36% 2966 1.58% 7 0.18%
6 57 0.24% 57 0.27% 1453 0.78% 22 0.56%
7 57 0.24% 57 0.27% 1315 0.70% 16 0.41%
8 54 0.23% 54 0.26% 1277 0.68% 18 0.46%
9 60 0.25% 60 0.29% 1257 0.67% 15 0.38%
10 106 0.45% 106 0.51% 1196 0.64% 1 0.03%

Top 30 of 399 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 18356 77.21% - (Direct Request)
2 131 0.55%
3 24 0.10%
4 17 0.07%
5 15 0.06%
6 15 0.06%
7 14 0.06%
8 12 0.05%
9 12 0.05%
10 12 0.05%
11 9 0.04%
12 9 0.04%
13 9 0.04%
14 9 0.04%
15 9 0.04%
16 9 0.04%
17 9 0.04%
18 9 0.04%
19 9 0.04%
20 9 0.04%
21 9 0.04%
22 7 0.03%
23 6 0.03%
24 6 0.03%
25 6 0.03%
26 6 0.03%
27 6 0.03%
28 6 0.03%
29 6 0.03%
30 6 0.03%

Top 15 of 486 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 10412 43.80% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0
2 1798 7.56% Apache-HttpClient/4.5.2 (Java/1.8.0_161)
3 1751 7.37% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0
4 1710 7.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_1) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Safari/605.1.15
5 950 4.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36
6 629 2.65% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36
7 423 1.78% Feedly/1.0 (+; 1 subscribers; like FeedFetcher-Google)
8 356 1.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36
9 339 1.43% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.1.1 Safari/605.1.15
10 221 0.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36
11 186 0.78% request
12 183 0.77% rogerbot/1.0 (,
13 158 0.66% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0
14 134 0.56% Blackboard Safeassign
15 131 0.55% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.99 Safari/533.4

Usage by Country for November 2019

Top 30 of 66 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 10349 43.53% 9581 45.97% 50928 27.20% Unresolved/Unknown
2 5164 21.72% 4773 22.90% 15343 8.19% Commercial (com)
3 3092 13.01% 2905 13.94% 93865 50.13% Network (net)
4 1793 7.54% 426 2.04% 10712 5.72% Russian Federation
5 736 3.10% 715 3.43% 8123 4.34% France
6 631 2.65% 615 2.95% 1211 0.65% European Union
7 228 0.96% 205 0.98% 1269 0.68% Germany
8 186 0.78% 183 0.88% 557 0.30% Turkey
9 181 0.76% 163 0.78% 672 0.36% Italy
10 165 0.69% 140 0.67% 1584 0.85% Non-Profit (org)
11 156 0.66% 110 0.53% 429 0.23% Israel
12 144 0.61% 141 0.68% 244 0.13% Viet Nam
13 98 0.41% 98 0.47% 111 0.06% Indonesia
14 74 0.31% 69 0.33% 143 0.08% Japan
15 66 0.28% 62 0.30% 200 0.11% India
16 60 0.25% 59 0.28% 83 0.04% United Kingdom
17 57 0.24% 57 0.27% 67 0.04% Colombia
18 40 0.17% 40 0.19% 48 0.03% Portugal
19 30 0.13% 28 0.13% 108 0.06% Thailand
20 29 0.12% 16 0.08% 119 0.06% Czech Republic
21 26 0.11% 26 0.12% 26 0.01% Generic TLD (info)
22 26 0.11% 26 0.12% 47 0.02% Hungary
23 25 0.11% 25 0.12% 29 0.02% Address Routing (arpa)
24 22 0.09% 21 0.10% 119 0.06% Netherlands
25 21 0.09% 17 0.08% 149 0.08% Brazil
26 20 0.08% 20 0.10% 22 0.01% Panama
27 20 0.08% 20 0.10% 22 0.01% Pakistan
28 20 0.08% 18 0.09% 28 0.01% Poland
29 20 0.08% 20 0.10% 24 0.01% Serbia
30 19 0.08% 19 0.09% 24 0.01% Bulgaria

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23